Wednesday, July 18, 2012


1) “Miracles are everywhere to be found when the priesthood is understood,its power is honored and used properly, and faith is exerted. When faithreplaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, thepower of God brings to pass His purposes.”

~President Monson (Willing and Worthy to Serve- APR 2012)

2) “Unless the roots of yourtestimony are firmly planted, it will be difficult for you to withstand theridicule of those who challenge your faith. When firmly planted, yourtestimony of the gospel, of the Savior, and of our Heavenly Father will influence all that you do throughout your life.”

~President Monson (May You Have Courage – APR 2009)

3) “…the first step tofull conversion is faith. Prayerful study of the Book of Mormon will buildfaith in God the Father, in His Beloved Son, and in His gospel. It will buildyour faith in God’s prophets, ancient and modern.”

~Henry B. Eyring (A Witness – OCT 2011)

4) “We are inclined to view ourown personal misfortunes through the distorted pris m of pessimism. Wefeel abandoned, heartbroken, alone. If you find yourself in such asituation, I plead with you to turn to our Heavenly Father in faith. He willlift you and guide you. He will not always take your afflictions from you,but He will comfort and lead you with love through whatever storm you face.”

~President Monson ( Looking Back and Moving Forward – APR 2008)

5) “The essential doctrine of agency requires that a testimony of the restoredgospel be based on faith rather than just external or scientific proof.”

~Quentin L. Cook ( In Tune with the Music of Faith-APR 2012)

6) “Please understand that having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and keepingHis commandments are and always will be the defining test of mortality.Above all else, each of us must realize that when one is tone deaf to the music of faith, he or she is out of tune with the Spirit.”

~Quentin L. Cook ( In Tune with the Music of Faith –APR 2012)

7) “Whatever the difficulties confronting us, the weaknesses confining us, or the impossibilities surrounding us, let us have faith in the Son of God who declared; “All things are possible to him that believeth.”

~Neil L. Andersen (What thinks Christ of Me? APR 2012)

8) “Remove any of your fearwith faith. Trust the power of God to guide you.”

~M. Russell Ballard (That the Lost May be Found –APR 2012)

9) “Testimony requires the nurturing by the prayer of faith, the hungering for the word of God in the scriptures, and the obedience to the truth we have received. There is danger in neglecting prayer. There is danger to our testimony in only casual study and reading of the scriptures. They are necessary nutrients for our testimony.”

~Henry B Eryring (A Living Testimony – General YW Broadcast 2011)

10) “You must have faith to pray. You must have faith to ponder the word ofGod. You must have faith to do those things and go to those places whichinvite the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Ghost.”

~Henry B. Eyring (Walk in the Light – APR 2008)


1)    “The spirit must be freed from tethers so strong and feelings never put to rest, so that the lift of life may give buoyancy to the soul. In many families, there are hurt feelings and a reluctance to forgive. It doesn’t really matter what the issue was. It cannot and should not be left to injure. Blame keeps wounds open. Only forgiveness heals.” 
~President Monson (Hidden Wedges APR 2002)

2) "Those who will “inherit the kingdom of God”11 are those who become “as achild, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love.”12 “For every onethat exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.”
 ~Dieter F. Uchtdorf (You Matter to Him – OCT 2011)

3)“Humilityis a fertile soil where spirituality grows and produces the fruit ofinspiration to know what to do. It gives access to divine power toaccomplish what must be done.” 
~Richard G. Scott (How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for your personal life – APR 2012)

4)  “When we see the world around us through the lens ofthe pure love of Christ, we begin to understand humility.” 
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Pride and the Priesthood – OCT 2010)

5) “Some suppose that humility is about beating ourselves up. Humility doesnot mean convincing ourselves that we are worthless, meaningless, or oflittle value. Nor does it mean denying or withholding the talents God has given us. We don’t discover humility by thinking less of ourselves; we discover humility by thinking less about ourselves. It comes as we goabout our work with an attitude of serving God and our fellowman.” 
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Pride and the Priesthood – OCT 2010)

6) “To hope and trust in theLord requires faith, patience, humility, meekness, long-suffering, keepingthe commandments, and enduring to the end.” 
~Robert D. Hales ( Waiting Upon the Lord: Thy Will be Done – OCT 2011)

7) “Humility is that quality that permits us to be taught from on high throughthe Spirit or to be taught from sources whose origin was inspiration fromthe Lord, such as the scriptures and the comments of the prophets.Humility is the precious fertile soil of righteous character.” 
~Richard G. Scott (The Transforming Power of Faith and Character – OCT 2010)

8) “But in humility we need not be timid in remembering the Lord’s words.” 
~Neil L. Andersen (Come Unto Him – APR 2009)

9) “…repentance involves an attitude of humility. In order to prepare to be baptized and take upon ourselves the name of Christ, we must humbleourselves before Him—offer our sacrifice of a broken heart and a contrite spirit and accept His will.” 
~L Tom Perry (The Gospel of Jesus Christ – APR 2008)

10)”Turn unto the Lord, seek his forgiveness, and unite yourselves in humilitywith his kingdom. There is no other way. If you will do this, your sins willbe blotted out, peace will come and remain, and you will become a part ofthe kingdom of God in preparation for Christ’s second coming” 
~Ezra Taft Benson ( A Message to the World – OCT 1975)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


1) “If the desires of our heart are contrary to scripture, then we should not pursue them further.” 
~Joseph B. Wirthlin OCT 2002 General Conference

2) "Feelings can be controlled and behavior can be controlled. The line of sin is between the feelings and the behavior. The line of prudence is between the susceptibility and the feelings. We need to lay hold on the feelings and try to control them to keep us from getting into a circumstance that leads to sinful behavior.” 
~Dallin H Oaks and Lance B. Wickman (Same Gender Attraction – Official Statement of the Church)

3)      "Perhaps there is an inclination or susceptibility to such feelings that is a reality for some and not a reality for others. But out of such susceptibilities come feelings, and feelings are controllable. If we cater to the feelings, they increase the power of the temptation. If we yield to the temptation, we have committed sinful behavior.” 
~Dallin H. Oaks (Same Gender Attraction –Official Statement of the Church)

4)  "Find fulfillment in the many other facets of your character and your personality and your nature that extend beyond that. There’s no denial that one’s gender orientation is certainly a core characteristic of any person, but it’s not the only one.”
 ~Dallin H. Oaks and Lance B. Wickman (Same Gender Attraction – Official Statement of the Church)

5) "We do not reject you, We cannot reject you, for you are the sons and daughters of God. We will not reject you, because we love you.
~Jeffrey R Holland (Quoting Boyd K. Packer Helping Those Who Struggle with Same Gender Attraction – Conference OCT 2007)

6) "If you do not act on temptations, you have not transgressed.”
 ~Jeffrey R. Holland (Helping Those Who Struggle with Same Gender Attraction – Conference OCT 2007)

7)  "Through the merciful plan of our Father in Heaven, persons who desire to do what is right but through no fault of their own are unable to have an eternal marriage in mortal life will have an opportunity to qualify for eternal life in a period following mortality, if they keep the commandments of God and are true to their baptismal and other covenants.” 
~Dallin H. Oaks ( Same Gender Attraction – Conference OCT 1995)
8) “All of us have some feelings we did not choose, but the gospel of Jesus Christteaches us that we still have the power to resist and reform our feelings (as needed) and to assure that they do not lead us to entertain inappropriate thoughts or to engage in sinful behavior.” 
~Dallin H. Oaks (Same Gender Attraction – Conference OCT 1995)
9)  “Satan would like us to believe that we are not responsible in this life. That is the result he tried to achieve by his contest in the pre-existence. A person who insists that he is not responsible for the exercise of his free agency because he was ‘born that way’ is trying to ignore the outcome of the War in Heaven. We are responsible, and if we argue otherwise, our efforts become part of the propaganda effort of the Adversary.
 ~Dallin H. Oaks (Same Gender Attraction – Conference OCT 1995)
10)   "Through Christ and his church, those who struggle can obtain help. This help comes through fasting and prayer, through the truths of the gospel, through church attendance and service, through the counsel of inspired leaders, and, where necessary, through professional assistance with problems that require such help. Another important source of help is the strengthening influence of loving brothers and sisters. All should understand that persons (and their family members) struggling with the burden of same-sex attraction are in special need of the love and encouragement that is a clear responsibility of Church members, who have signified by covenant their willingness ‘to bear one another’s burdens.” 
~ Dallin H. Oaks (Same Gender Attraction – Conference OCT 1995)

1)      “Those…who will through mighty prayer and earnest study inform themselves as to what these living prophets say, and act upon it will be visited by the spirit of the Lord and know by the spirit of revelation that they speak the mind and will of the Father. “ 
~President Marion G. Romney (N/A)

2)      “Each heartfelt prayer, each Church meeting attended, each worthy friend, each righteous decision, each act of service performed all precede that goal of eternal life.”
 ~President Monson (Stand in Holy Places OCT 2011)

3)      “A prominent judge was asked what we, as citizens of the countries of the world, could do to reduce crime and disobedience to law and to bring peace and contentment into our lives and into our nations. He thoughtfully replied, ‘I would suggest a return to the old-fashioned practice of family prayer.” 
~President Monson (Come Unto Him in Prayer and Faith MAR 2009 Liahona)

4)      “Whatever our calling, regardless of our fears or anxieties, let us pray and then go and do.” 
 ~President Monson (They Pray and They Go APR 2002)

5)      “I testify that our prayers, offered in humility and sincerity, are heard and answered. It is a miraculous thing, but it is real.” 
~Gordon B. Hinckley – Ensign NOV 2000

6)      “Don’t worry about your clumsily expressed feelings. Just talk to your Father. He hears every prayer and answers it in His way.” 
~ Richard G. Scott ( Learning to Recognize Answers to Prayer – Conference OCT 1989)

7)      Sometimes answers to prayer are not recognized because we are too intent on wanting confirmation of our own desires. We fail to see that the Lord would have us do something else. Be careful to seek His will.” 
~Richard G. Scott (Learning to Recognize Answers to Prayer – Conference OCT 1989)

8)      If you seek His help, be sure your life is clean, your motives are worthy, and you’re willing to do what He asks—for He will answer your prayers. He is your loving Father; you are His beloved child. He loves you perfectly and wants to help you.
 ~ Richard G. Scott (Learning to Recognize Answers to Prayer – Conference OCT 1989)

9)      “Our Heavenly Father did not launch us on our eternal voyage without providing the means whereby we could receive from Him guidance to ensure our safe return. I speak of prayer.” 
~Thomas S. Monson (The Race of Life – Conference APR 2012)

10) “Communication with our Father in Heaven-including our prayers to Him and His inspiration to us is necessary for us to weather the storms and trials of life.” 
~Thomas S. Monson (Stand in Holy Places – Conference OCT 2011)